Secure Your PC by using Image as Login Password

In this post i am sharing a new way you can set password for your laptop or PC if you are using Windows 8. You can secure your Computer Easily by using Image as password for your Login. Yes, It is possible now,
In windows 8 you can Use image as your password. Using Text password is old and Boring way, Why not try something different. Their are many benefits of using Image as wallpaper, most important is that it is more secure than any text password. Read The full Post, I have mentioned Each step that you can follow to change or Use Any picture as Password. Using Image Gesture is very easy to use in windows 8

Steps To Create a Picture Password for Windows 8 :

Step 1: First Step is to creating a text password. Press Win key + I , Then click on Change PC settings. Than you will see an option of Create password below Sign-in Options. Just click on create password and Type any safe password for you.

Step 2: Now a new option for Create a picture password will be visible to you. Like in Below given Screenshot. Just Tap on it and choose a New Picture you want to set as password


 Step 3: Now the Third Step is very important. You have to Make 3 Gestures on the picture you choose as password for your PC. Making Gesture is very Easy, but you have to keep that gesture in your mind as that gesture will allow you to login in your PC after setting picture as password. You can make a line, circle or box or anything. But Make it easy to remeber. You can check below screenshot. This arrow is my first gesture.


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Step 4: Now Click on next and Make another gesture. You have to make 3 gesture.  After Making Click Save.

Its done, Now you had set an picture as password for your window 8. If you like this article, comment below and Support me to bring such more interesting Article for you.

Below given screenshot is the 3 gestures i have used for my password. You can also create any gesture like me.

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